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ac bus from Saidraja to Japla

Saidraja to Japla Volvo Bus Service

Saidraja to Japla Bus Ticket Fare

Type of Bus

Bus Fare

Non AC / Ordinary
Rs /-
Deluxe / AC Bus
Rs /-
Volvo Bus Fare
Rs /-
Sleeper Service
Rs /-
Travel Distance and Time

Road distance between Saidraja and Japla is (Kilometers). Estimated road travel time is . Travel time may vary, depending on the road and traffic conditions. Many buses (both AC and Non AC) are available to travel from Saidraja to Japla.

Bus stations near Japla

1st Bus Station
Second Station
Third Station

Bus route of other places from Saidraja

Some useful driving tips for two wheelers and four wheelers

  1. Maintain appropriate pressure in the tyres for a smooth drive.
  2. Use indicators before hand while taking any turn.
  3. Do not exceed the speed limit while driving the vehicle.
  4. Be very very careful while overtaking any vehicle. Only overtake when its absolutely necessary.

Some significant tips to travel in a local bus

  1. Never take food or drinks from strangers inside the bus.
  2. Let the passengers inside the bus exit first, before you try to enter in the bus.
  3. Avoid wearing jewellery while travelling in a bus.
  4. Do not rush and board the bus only when it stops completely at the bus stop.

Some hill stations must go

  1. Parambikulam
  2. Churdhar Sanctuary
  3. Amarkantak Lapha hill
  4. Yumthang

Pilgrim places to go

  1. Trimbakeshwar
  2. Lakshmi Narayan Temple - Kurukshetra
  3. Vaishno Devi
  4. Murugan Temple

Some good sea beaches to visit near you

  1. Rushikonda Beach
  2. NITK Beach
  3. Shangumughom Beach
  4. Tambaldegh Beach

Bus route map from Saidraja to Japla

Bus route of different places from Japla

Bus route of other places from Japla