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ac bus from Dhariwal to Pathankot

Dhariwal to Pathankot Volvo Bus Service

Dhariwal to Pathankot Bus Ticket Fare

Type of Bus

Bus Fare

Non AC / Ordinary
Rs /-
Deluxe / AC Bus
Rs /-
Volvo Bus Fare
Rs /-
Sleeper Service
Rs /-
Travel Distance and Time

Road distance between Dhariwal and Pathankot is (Kilometers). Estimated road travel time is . Travel time may vary, depending on the road and traffic conditions. Many buses (both AC and Non AC) are available to travel from Dhariwal to Pathankot.

Bus stations near Pathankot

1st Bus Station
Second Station
Third Station

Bus route of other places from Dhariwal

Helpful driving tips for everyone

  1. Maintain appropriate pressure in the tyres for a smooth drive.
  2. Drive slow and be careful during foggy season and use fog lights for cars.
  3. Be careful while reversing your four wheeler, use mirrors to see if there is someone behind the vehicle. Use horn if necessary.
  4. Be very very careful while overtaking any vehicle. Only overtake when its absolutely necessary.

Few important points to help local bus travellers

  1. It is always a good practice to move away from the bus door so that other passengers can move in.
  2. Do not push other people while leaving the bus.
  3. Avoid eating food inside the local bus. Passenger next to you may not like its smell.
  4. Avoid eating any food item inside the bus.

Some hill places for you to go

  1. Panchgani
  2. Darjeeling
  3. Gopeshwar
  4. Reckong Peo

Pilgrim places to travel

  1. Naimisaranya
  2. Vrindavan
  3. Meenakshi Temple
  4. Kurukshetra

Good beaches to explore and enjoy

  1. Golden Beach
  2. Ramakrishna Mission Beach
  3. Malpe Beach
  4. Kunkeshwar Beach

Bus route map from Dhariwal to Pathankot

Bus route of different places from Pathankot

Bus route of other places from Pathankot