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ac bus from Ankorah Akorha to Khalari

Ankorah Akorha to Khalari Volvo Bus Service

Ankorah Akorha to Khalari Bus Ticket Fare

Type of Bus

Bus Fare

Non AC / Ordinary
Rs /-
Deluxe / AC Bus
Rs /-
Volvo Bus Fare
Rs /-
Sleeper Service
Rs /-
Travel Distance and Time

Road distance between Ankorah Akorha and Khalari is (Kilometers). Estimated road travel time is . Travel time may vary, depending on the road and traffic conditions. Many buses (both AC and Non AC) are available to travel from Ankorah Akorha to Khalari.

Bus stations near Khalari

1st Bus Station
Second Station
Third Station

Bus route of other places from Ankorah Akorha

Some important driving tips for driving on Indian roads

  1. Be careful while taking out your car from parking slot.
  2. Do not talk on cell phone while driving.
  3. Do not drink and drive as its not safe.
  4. Do not drive any two wheelers without a helmet. Wear a good company helmet and stay safe.

Local bus travel Dos and Donts

  1. Apologize gently if you accidently touch or push someone.
  2. Do not rush and board the bus only when it stops completely at the bus stop.
  3. Avoid eating food inside the local bus. Passenger next to you may not like its smell.
  4. Try to offer your seat to those people who need this more then you.

Some hill area suggestions one must visit

  1. Kottancheri Hills
  2. Gulmarg
  3. Barog
  4. Ranikhet

Some pilgrim places to travel

  1. Gangotri
  2. Allahabad
  3. Sarvadharma Temple- Jagadhri
  4. Kanchipuram

Nice sea beaches to travel and enjoy

  1. Chapora Beach
  2. Baruva
  3. Gahirmatha Beach
  4. Kotharwadi Beach

Bus route map from Ankorah Akorha to Khalari

Bus route of different places from Khalari

Bus route of other places from Khalari