Type of Bus
Bus Fare
Road distance between Ambala and Bathinda is (Kilometers). Estimated road travel time is . Travel time may vary, depending on the road and traffic conditions. Many buses (both AC and Non AC) are available to travel from Ambala to Bathinda.
Bus route map from Ambala to Bathinda
Look no further than this article for some helpful tips on traveling from Ambala to Bathinda. Whether you're driving, flying, or taking a train, these five easy steps will help you get where you're going!
There are a few ways to get from Ambala to Bathinda. You can take a bus or train. You can also take a taxi. The easiest way to get from Ambala to Bathinda is by taking a bus. You can find the bus stop nearest you on the Ambala-Bathinda route map. Buses depart from the stop every half hour. The journey will take around two hours. If you want to take a train, you can travel from Ambala to Bathinda by travelling on the platforms 11 and 12 of the Ambala Cantt railway station. Trains depart from these platforms every 20 minutes. The journey will take around one hour and 15 minutes. You can also take a taxi from Ambala to Bathinda. Taxis cost around Rs 500 per person and the journey will take around 30 minutes.
There are a few easy ways to travel from Ambala to Bathinda. One option is to take a bus. There are several bus routes that connect Ambala with Bathinda. The buses usually arrive at the bus station in Bathinda around the same time as they leave Ambala. Another option is to take a train. The train route between Ambala and Bathinda is very short, so it is not very expensive to take the train. The train usually arrives in Bathinda around the same time as it leaves Ambala. Finally, you can also take a taxi. Taxis typically cost around Rs 500 to Rs 1000 to travel between Ambala and Bathinda.
If you are looking for a hassle-free travel experience, the best time to visit Ambala is during the winter. This is because the roads in Ambala are less congested and cold weather makes driving more comfortable. However, any time is a good time to visit Ambala if you are looking for a relaxing vacation. The city has plenty of attractions that will keep you entertained, no matter what time of year it is. If you are travelling from Bathinda, one of the easiest ways to get there is by car. The highway linking Bathinda and Ambala is well-maintained and offers beautiful views of the countryside. Travelling by bus is also an option, but it can be more expensive than travelling by car.
If you're looking for an easy way to travel from Ambala to Bathinda, consider taking the train. Ambala railway station is located just a few minutes' walk from the city center. If you'd rather drive, there are several ways to get to Bathinda from Ambala.
If you're looking for a more scenic route, you can take the bus. There are several bus companies that operate out of Ambala. All of these buses leave from the Bus Stand and they usually arrive in Bathinda around 6:00pm. Finally, you can also take a taxi. Taxis can be found all over town, and they usually cost around Rs. 800-1200 per ride.